
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Push for $10 Billion for NIH in Recovery Plan

Keep up the pressure on Congress to include $10 billion for NIH in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Thanks to a strong show of support from research advocates and leadership from Senators Specter, Harkin and Durbin, the Senate approved an amendment to increase the NIH allocation from $3.5 billion to $10 billion. As Senate and House leadership reconcile the bills, urge your members to reinforce their support for research as a critical economic driver in communities across America.

Call your representative and senators to let them know you want $10 billion for NIH included in the final version of the bill. Find your members’ phone numbers and use the talking points below.

Funding for NIH will:
  • provide short-term economic stimulus by creating 70,000 jobs;

  • more than double each dollar invested in economic output;

  • boost the economy of every state because 90% of NIH funding is distributed to colleges, universities and research institutions across the country;

  • help the U.S. remain competitive globally in research and innovation;

  • allow Americans to live longer, healthier, more productive lives and

  • reduce health care costs through more effective prevention and treatment.
Tell your delegation that investing NIH now will pay off in the short- and long-term. The best way to contact your members is by calling, but you can also send them an e-mail. Take action now!

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