
Friday, April 10, 2009

What We're Reading

One of our favorite reads: PhD Comics

Here at New Voices, we try to stay up to date on what's going on in the rest of the blogosphere (it's actually part of our job and not a procrastination technique!), so for today's round-up we pulled together some of the posts we found interesting this week.

Near the top of the list is the debut of an excellent carnival hosted by GrrlScientist, Scientia Pro Publica, highlighting some of the best research write-ups especially crafted with the general public in mind. This includes some great examples for budding writers out there!

Heather's been reading a lot about careers in science and how to get them. First up is Megan McArdle's piece in The Atlantic on the value of networking, and why it isn't really work at all.

Next is a piece by Chris Mooney on what it means to be a scientist today, followed by the response from Andrew Pratt outlining the need to be more open about the number of scientists pursuing non-traditional careers (both at Science Progress).

In that spirit, for those of you looking for options after you graduate or finish your commitments to your current labs, the AAAS has an upcoming webinar on nontraditional careers. (Flygal recommends this- since she knows one of the panelists!). Also, don't miss Sheril's (growing) list of fellowships in science policy over at The Intersection.

Emily Norton's been pretty engrossed in her project on the health implications of climate change (look for her three part series starting on Earth Day!), and recommends this Andrew Revkin post on a new study released showing that on the way to an overall warming trend, it is normal to have brief periods of cooling.

Flygal couldn't wait to tell you about this "totally awesome" piece over at A Blog Around the Clock about communicating, reporting and science in the new media age. A tad long perhaps, but worth every word. For a (slightly) shorter look at the same topic, Ed Yong over at Not Exactly Rocket Science has posted his two cents on the debate.

Happy reading and for those of you celebrating, happy festivity of your choice!

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