
Friday, October 30, 2009

Follow-Up: House Judiciary Committtee Weighs In

In Wednesday’s post, Where Football and Brain Science Collide, I introduced some emerging science that suggests a link between sports injuries and a condition called chronic traumatic encephalopathy. On that same day, there was a hearing held by the House Judiciary Committee to discuss the very same issue.

The reports are out, and apparently, there were some heated moments. The main highlights that have everyone talking... Rep. John Conyers (D-MI-14th) showing no mercy as he asked NFL commissioner Roger Goodall to directly state if there is a link between head injuries on the football field and brain disease later in life, and Rep. Maxine Waters’ (D-CA-35th) stern rebuke of Goodell and the NFL's inaction, following this by suggesting that the time has come for Congress to review the antitrust exemption for broadcasting that is arguably responsible for the multi-billion dollar industry that is now the NFL.

In all, the result of the hearing was a call for further review of the data that started this discussion, a good first step to protecting these athletes. Another positive result… the formation of the Concussion and Traumatic Brain Injury Committee by the NFL Players Association.

To read the Associated Press article covering the hearing, click here.

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