
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Just because you're not sick doesn't mean you're healthy

Attention readers with a Y-chromosome – this is the week to put down the bacon cheeseburger and pick up some carrots. This is the week to put down the remote control and pick up a tennis racket. This is the week to put out the cigarette and put in some time at the gym. This is the week to…well you get the point. By official Congressional Proclamation (seriously) June 14th to 20th 2010 is National Men’s Health Week.

Why should you care? Here are some facts that hopefully get your attention:
  • Someone 40% overweight is twice as likely to die prematurely as a person of normal weight
  • Despite the advances in medical technology and research, men continue to live an average of 7 years less than women
  • The likelihood that a man will develop prostate cancer is 1 in 11.
  • The death rate for prostate cancer has grown at almost twice the death rate of breast cancer in the last five years.
  • African-American men in the United States have the highest incidence in the world of cancer of the prostate.
  • Testicular cancer is one of the most common cancers in men aged 15-34, and when detected early, has an 87 percent survival rate.
  • Smoking triples the risk of dying from heart disease in middle age
  • Men are seven times as likely as women to be arrested for drunk driving and three times as likely to be alcoholics.

Here are some useful men’s health related resources:
  1. The CDC reviews science and research related to men’s health and wellness
  2. Valuable information about prostate cancer
  3. A good overview of a healthy male diet and nutrition
  4. Facts about baldness from consumer reports
  5. Everything from skin care to how to look taller

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