
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Von Boyage

So as fellows depart from Research!America it has become a tradition for them to write a sign off post. After doing a google image search using phrases like "goodbye" and "adios", I put in what I thought was how you say goodbye in French - Von Boyage. To my surprise, this phrase not only doesn't exist, but "bon voyage", the real phrase, doesn't mean "goodbye". Does this explain why Parisian's have always been so rude to me whenever I have visited their beautiful city? (My strategy to communicate with foreigners by speaking English loudly and slowly works pretty well in other countries.)

Writing this is bittersweet. I will not admit to how much I have learned as a Science and Technology Policy Fellow at Research!America because it would reveal how little I knew three months ago upon arrival. Writing for the New Voices blog has been one of many fun responsibilities – what other forum would provide an opportunity to expound on everything from beer to brain tumors?

Between teaching, doing research, internships, and fellowships, I have had seven different positions in Washington since moving here a year and a half ago. While you learn a lot jumping from job to job every couple months, I am thrilled to be starting a permanent science policy position with the American Chemical Society. The ACS is the world's largest scientific society and a perfect environment to continuing advocating for research.

Goodbye to the great people at Research!America. It has been my pleasure to have been part of such a motivated and dynamic team this summer. I intend to stay a part of the New Voices community and look forward to seeing what exciting things lie in store for all of its members. ciao, sayanora, kamsahamnidah, l'hitraot, kol tuv, shalom, arrivaderci, do svidanja, au revoir, hasta la vista, bis freitagabend, and xi chien.

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