
Monday, December 13, 2010

Why Should Scientists Become Advocates?

Tomorrow afternoon I'm giving a presentation on why scientists should become advocates for their own research. As a science outreach specialist, this is a topic near and dear to my heart - and one I'm rather excited to have an opportunity to talk about to a room full of scientists.

However, working in this community has taught me that not everyone believes that scientists should advocate. To get prepared for this discussion with a room full of PhDs, I'd love your help.

What are your major questions about scientists becoming advocates or science communicators? What is your counter argument (be a devil's advocate if need be!) to scientists becoming involved in advocacy, science policy, or science communication?

Thank you in advance for the thought starters and I'll be sure to report back on how the session goes.

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1 comment:

  1. It is going to be a necessity for the survival of science for scientists to start taking up the mantle of advocates and policy-makers. This is something that a lot of us are learning as we go. But it is also something that a lot of us younger scientists have a passion for.
    Please see the wonderful discussion thread from today on the state of chemistry policy/employment here for an example of young scientists engaging in a substantive policy discussion.
