
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

2011 Thus Far News Round-Up

 It's hard to believe we're almost two months into 2011 already. Time for a round-up of what's been going on, starting with news related to your very own fellow New Voices:

After reading Kate's series on the Economic Impact of R&D, a bunch of folks have shared this article with me on Looking to the Future of the Biomedical Workforce. Thoughts?

New Voice Cathy Vrentas led a study on obesity last year, and one of her teammates - Nikki Kasper from the University of Michigan - takes an interesting visual look at obesity in Detroit that makes you think about where your closest grocery store is located. And speaking of maps, I'm absolutely loving these maps of the continental United States (MOCUS).*

Speaking of women who happen to be making waves online, a wave is rippling through the science blogosphere, and Christie from Observations of a Nerd has a really articulate post on being both a woman and a blogger.

Know any great science bloggers of either gender? Nominate them for the National Academies Keck Futures Initiative. This is your chance to let the world know about some of the most awesome science communicators, and it isn't restricted to online mediums, click through for more information including nomination deadlines.

We talk a lot about getting more research into mainstream media on New Voices. One component of the discussion that hasn't been brought up much though is not having full access to the scientific information being reported on. This big think piece on the Death of Monogamy, Greatly Exaggerated closes with an argument that's hard to refute.

Who wants to participate in this science journalism jargon-free challenge? Anyone willing to participate is eligible for some great science communication prizes.

Finally, we officially missed National Delurker Day 2011, but better late than never. You don't have to have anything substantive, just give us a shout in the comments to say hello and let us know you're here!

*Post corrected 2/24/2011 to give appropriate credit.

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