Cartoon credit: Vadlo
Thanks to commenter Sarah for the tip!
Increase FY2010 Investment in NIH, CDC, AHRQ and NSF
Urge your members of Congress to support robust funding for NIH, CDC, AHRQ and NSF in FY 2010. With health reform high on the national agenda, now is an ideal time to speak with your representative and senators and let them know that investing in research is critical to the health of Americans and the economy.
Take action now! Meet with, call or write to your delegation in support of a funding increase of at least 10% for NIH in FY 2010 with the goal of reaching an annual appropriation of $40 billion as soon as possible. Other essential investments for research to improve health are increasing CDC's core program budget by $2 billion, establishing a base funding level of $405 million for AHRQ and increasing the NSF budget by 8.5% to $7 billion.
The full House Appropriations Committee will be marking up the Labor, Health, Education, and Transportation and Housing and Urban Development bills on Friday, July 17th at 9:00 AM. The markup will be webcast (though the link may not work until then), so listen to hear how funding may be distributed for FY2010.
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