
Monday, December 14, 2009

12 Months of New Voices

Thursday is the blogoversary of New Voices! We'll be celebrating all week and today we're joining in this meme (read: Internet game that has lots of people do the same thing so you can learn about each other).

The rules for this blog meme are simple.
Post the link and first sentence from the first blog entry for each month of the past year.
I encourage all of you to do the same, and leave us a note in the comments so we can come by and check out a year (or maybe less) of your blogging.

January 5, 2009
How to: Give a Tour of Your Lab
So, you have a 6-color FACS machine, an industrial-size centrifuge, and three hundred cages of morbidly obese mice.

February 3, 2009
Getting Started as an Advocate for Research
Profile: Dr. Robert Wells, PhD
Robert A. Welch Endowed Professor of Chemistry
Director, Center for Genome Research at the Institute of Bioscience and Technology, Texas A&M Health Science Center, Houston, Texas

March 2, 2009
Being a Spokesperson
Last week, we commented a little on being a spokesperson for science. Being a spokesperson for science is great, but being a good spokesperson for science is even better.

April 1, 2009
Research on Cherry Blossom Trees
Last week I wrote about research going on at the National Arboretum and asked if anyone knew more about it.

May 1, 2009
Climate Change and Health: Mental Health
Over the past two weeks you've read about a number of health implications of climate change, from cardiovascular and respiratory issues exacerbated by heat to vector-borne diseases like malaria and Lyme disease.

June 1, 2009
TV Science is Not Real Science
I don't watch a lot of popular shows, but after some prodding by a colleague here at New Voices, I watched an episode of House.

July 1, 2009
Speak out for Research Funding Now
Urge your members of Congress to support robust funding for NIH, CDC, AHRQ and NSF in FY 2010.

August 3, 2009
August is ____ Month
As we roll merrily into August, there are lots of special health issues to highlight.

September 1, 2009
Science and Entrepreneurship: An Introduction
Which of these statements is true?
Science = Mmm . . . this frozen pizza sure tastes good. *Sigh.* Wish I could afford something else for dinner.
Science = I'm glad I spent a gagillion hours on that research project, just to put someone else's name on it. *Sigh.* I wish I were my own boss.
Science = A business opportunity to create high paying jobs, keep what you earn, and be your own boss.
October 1, 2009
The Quest for Cures: Horizons in Cancer Research
Today Research!America hosted “The Quest for Cures: Horizons in Cancer Research” on Capitol Hill.

November 2, 2009
November is Diabetes Awareness Month
With obesity and type 2 diabetes on the rise in the United States, it is especially important to acknowledge National Diabetes Awareness month.

December 1, 2009
World AIDS Day 2009
The AIDS Memorial Quilt was established in 1987 as a telling symbol of the way HIV and AIDS effects people - it is one disease that manifests itself differently in each person.

Thanks to all of my fellow New Voices bloggers for their contributions over the past year. We wouldn't have 12 months of blogging without you!

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