
Friday, January 15, 2010

Donate Time

Another way to give back to the community is through donating your time.

Many senior citizens and disabled individuals are able to live on their own, but are physically unable to drive or use public transportation. If you have a car and some free time, consider volunteering to provide rides for seniors and the disabled to doctors’ appointments, the pharmacy, or the grocery store.

A variety of state organizations have programs that connect drivers with people in need of a ride. Being a volunteer driver is a great way for busy people to give back because the programs are typically flexible and work around the driver’s availability. At the same time, it is a very important service opportunity because for riders, the transportation allows them to take care of their health needs while remaining in their homes.

You can also volunteer by delivering hot nutritious meals to people who are homebound in your local community, sign up to volunteer at Meals on Wheels.Your time can also benefit seniors and the disabled by providing them help with minor repairs around their houses including improvements for their safety, such as installing grab bars and railings.

These are just a few ways that you can have a positive impact on the lives of others with just a little spare time. What would you add to this list?

1 comment:

  1. Volunteering time at the Nursing Homes is also very helpful. The skilled facilities do not have the staff to give their residents personalized attention.

    Also, for something that doesn't cost money that can go a long way... donating blood!
