There are multiple ways that scientists can contribute to policy, but what role do you think they should be playing?
Friday, April 30, 2010
Where Do Scientists Belong in Policy?
There are multiple ways that scientists can contribute to policy, but what role do you think they should be playing?
Thursday, April 29, 2010
On Writing
In my work with New Voices and the interns and fellows in our office, I often find myself repeating the same advice: add a story, make it personal. Most of the people I'm working with are trained scientists, and they claim that learning how to inject themselves in their writing is incredibly difficult. A quote I found while reading this week, explains the situation:
"[Scientists'] language is intended to convey a special meaning: the relationship between the problem expressed, and the results at hand, not a plot or storyline." (chapter 5)When I received my first training in writing, I was told that my personality should only be expressed in the nature of my writing, not in the words themselves. That meant no first-person narrative style, personal anecdotes, opinion statements, or un-researched claims. If it was a valid claim (I can hear my teacher saying this in my head), someone else will have opined it or you'll be able to quote a source of some kind.
My academic writing never veered far from that philosophy. Outside academia, however, I found it confining; with all due respect to my writing instructors, I cannot agree with that theory. To think that if it was a good idea, than someone else will have had it first, is to believe that there is no new knowledge or perspective to be had in the world. Moreover, it is hard to be persuasive without passion, and passion is personal.
Not all personality is professional and there will still be some venues (say, when submitting to an academic journal) that academic-style writing is appropriate. But when trying to communicate with the public or policymakers, the personal story makes the difference.
I found my ability to integrate "story" during my last semester of graduate school. My speech writing professor insisted on the same reliable/credible sourcing as instructors of the past, but also on the integration of an arc, or a flow to the writing that compelled people to continue on.
Non-fiction can be entertaining as well as informative. All we need is a little science, a little passion, and a little practice.
Just (a little) food for thought.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
National Institutes of Health

Did you notice that there is an ‘s’ at the end of ‘Institutes’? That is because the NIH is made up of 27 institutes and centers, which makes discussions about funding sources really confusing since each institute and center has its own unique abbreviation. Were you submitting that application to NIGMS, NIBIB, or NCI? Huh?
The NIH began in a one-room laboratory in 1887. This lab was known as the ‘Laboratory of Hygiene’ and was set up within the Marine Hospital Service (which later became the U.S. Public Health Service). In 1930, the Ransdell Act reorganized the Laboratory of Hygiene into the National Institute of Health (no ‘s’ at this point). Today, the NIH has grown to a campus of 75 buildings over 300 acres.
Each year the NIH invests over $28 billion dollars in research, with over 83% of the money being distributed through competitive grants. Submitted grants undergo an intensive peer-review process to identify projects that are the most promising and address the NIH’s research priorities. This review process seems to work well for the NIH, considering over 100 scientists who have either worked for NIH or been funded by NIH have received a Nobel Prize for their work.
The current director of the NIH is Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D., a brilliant scientist who is well known for the leadership role he took in the completion of the Human Genome Project. He is also invested in improving science communication, and was recently recognized as a Rock Star of Science.
This is Part 4 in the Introduction to Federal Agencies series.
Part 1 - Acronyms, Abbreviations and Agencies
Part 2 - A-B...C-D-C?
Part 3 - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Child Nutrition is a Global Concern

According to the National Alliance for Nutrition and Activity, two-thirds of premature deaths in the U.S. are due to poor nutrition, physical inactivity and tobacco use. Nutrition is a key ingredient to a healthy life-style. It should be on everyone’s agenda, especially those in a position of responsibility to children.
Within the United States there are initiatives taking place to battle childhood obesity. The First Lady, Michelle Obama, and former president Bill Clinton have undertaken stamping out this problem as their personal platform.
A group of retired military officers going by the name “Mission: Readiness” are calling school lunches a national security threat. These officers are looking at it from a recruitment perspective. A large portion (9 million to be exact) of 17-24 year old are too overweight to join the military. Even those who wish to make that most noble commitment cannot because they do not meet basic regulations to be successful airmen.
The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act that just passed the House Agriculture Committee gives power to the Secretary of Agriculture to set forth new standards for school lunches, breakfasts and all foods sold on school grounds. With efforts from the First Lady, “Mission: Readiness”, and many other public health groups child nutrition and combating childhood obesity has been brought to the forefront of policy in the United States.
The U.S. is not the only country with a childhood obesity problem. Mexico’s childhood obesity rate is second only to the United States. A health ministry report released in January noted that school children in Mexico have an average of five opportunities to eat in the average school day. This is quite astounding considering the school day only lasts four hours. School lunches and food sold on school grounds is a target amongst Mexican policymakers. North America is not the only region focusing on nutrition issues. Though, the picture in other nations is on the opposite end of the nutrition spectrum.
North America has plenty of food for its children. Children need only to make healthy decisions and have healthy options available to them. South-east Asian nations are plagued by a lack of food rather than poor quality. Organizations are engaging in grassroots efforts to develop new food options through farming, herding, and fishing.
To curb this problem World Vision introduced vegetable crops such as potatoes, carrots, and cabbage into children’s diet in East Timor, a south-east Asian nation. Also, farming techniques and goat, chicken, and fish farming is developing for new sources of food.
Cost of food and the heavy effect of weather are serious problems in most of Africa and organizations are working to counteract that fact.
Concern Worldwide hosts supplementary feeding programs for malnourished children. The UN World Food Program is also providing supplementary rations to children under the age of five, pregnant women and nursing mothers.
Babysitters, parents, school officials, and policymakers should be concerned with the food being distributed to the children of all nations. There are basic guidelines for nutrition and how much of which foods we are supposed to consume each day.
With this information in mind we should educate children on proper eating habits. Also, we should support organizations that provide nutritious meals or meal supplements to children in parts of the globe that do not have access to sufficient food sources. No child should go hungry, ever.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Advocating for the Intersection

Now that we’ve seen intersection between medical research and public health, what should our advocacy messages be moving forward in order to support this collaboration?
Increased funding for health research is vital. We are currently spending about five and a half cents on the dollar for health research, and approximately 70% of Americans believe that we should be spending more. By increasing funding we can support the discovery of new treatments and therapies for health problems such as childhood obesity and HIV.
In order continue public health’s work moving forward, it’s also important to increase funding for the CDC. By supporting the organizations that focuses on health promotion and disease prevention, we will help to find non-biomedical ways to combat health problems within the general public.
So, speak out! Talk to your congressman and senator about the importance of medical research and public health.
This is Part 5 of 5 in our Intersection of Medical Research and Public Health series.
Part 1 - The Intersection of Medical Research and Public Health
Part 2 - Research and Public Health Tackle the Flu Together
Part 3 - Today's Epidemic: Childhood Obesity
Part 4 - HIV/AIDS: From Death Sentence to Chronic Disease?
Part 5 - Advocating for the Intersection
Friday, April 23, 2010
March of Dimes Walk for Babies

In my case the doctor used dye to follow the path of blood and urine through my system. Because the blocked ureter only occurred in one kidney, renal function (kidney function) appeared to be normal. This was not the case and as a result the kidney deteriorated over time and had to be removed via nephrectomy (kidney removal). Because of organizations such as the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation better science exists today for identifying issues in premature babies, newborns, and infants.
As a teenager I babysat a young girl who had the exact same birth defect as I experienced. Her mother had us compare scars and this little girl’s scar was half the size of mine. Instead of an incision that extended from my front to my back , hers was only 3 inches long. She also had half of her kidney on which the doctor performed the nephrectomy. I was overjoyed to learn that medical science had developed enough for this little girl to have an even better outcome than my successful surgery.

The March of Dimes first mission was to eradicate poliomyelitis (polio by its common name) in America. The polio epidemic reached its height in the mid 20th Century and affected not only infants, but also adolescents. Jonas Salk developed a vaccine for polio, which was subsequently tested in a clinical trial (one of the largest in history) sponsored by the March of Dimes. The trials were a success and as of 1991 polio has been eradicated in the western hemisphere.
March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation continues to educate people and fund and advocate for research to improve the health of premature babies and infants. We can contribute by participating in the Walk for Babies this Saturday, April 25th 2010.
If you live in the DC area, join the anticipated thousands of participants this weekend in the March of Dimes March for Babies. The March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation is holding its annual March for Babies.
The event begins at the Washington Monument grounds at 15th Street NW and Constitution Avenue NW. Registration begins at 8:00 am and the walk begins at 9:00am. Washingtonians will come together for four miles to support research that improves the health of one of society’s most defenseless group.
There are other opportunities to donate to the cause. Famous Footwear has a coupon for the official shoe of the Walk for Babies. You can form a team, join a team, or donate directly to the organization via their website.
Jessica Stutzman has a Bachelor of Arts in Security and Intelligence from The Ohio State University and is an administrative assistant at Research!America. She has previously contributed to New Voices on women's issues.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Environmental Re-Revolution

Nelson said, “I was satisfied that if we could tap into the environmental concerns of the general public and infuse the student anti-war energy into the environmental cause, we could generate a demonstration that would force this issue onto the political agenda.”
At the end of the day, it was clear Earth Day was a success. The widespread involvement has been attributed to the grassroots organizing, with more than 20 million people participating. April 22, 1970 was the first Earth Day, but also marked the beginning of the modern environmental movement.
Forty years later, Earth Day is more widely attended and has become an international celebration. However, the event does not carry the same sense of urgency. Recent polls highlight the trend of the American public’s dampened concern over environmental issues. Americans increasingly believe that environmental issues, such as climate change are being over exaggerated.
This societal shift is, in part, because the environmental threats we face today are not things we can easily observe. In the 1970s, celebrating Earth Day was taking action against clouds of smog in Los Angeles, oil soaked wildlife that companies were not held accountable for, and a river in Ohio that caught fire. Today, Earth Day raises awareness for several environmental issues that are difficult to perceive for most Americans. Worldwide, drinkable water is becoming scarcer, yet in the U.S. it flows freely from our taps. The average global temperature has been on a long-term upward trend, but this winter Mother Nature crippled cities like Washington, DC and Baltimore, MD with record-breaking snowfall.
It is time to renew the call to action. Here's a powerful video put together by Greenpeace, evoking the memory of JFK to deliver a call to action for world leaders to address environmental issues, such as climate change.
Video credit: Greenpeace
If you aren’t using it, unplug it. Even though you’ve turned an appliance off, if it is plugged into an outlet it is still drawing power. Unplugging appliances could result in a reduction in 10% of your household energy use, which can add up to real savings. If you appliances are plugged into a power strip, you can simply turn the power off.
Switch from bottled to filtered water. Bottled water requires much more energy to package and ship AND it costs you more money in the end.

Eat less meat. Meat production is estimated to produce 18% of global CO2 emissions.
Eat local. I was surprised to learn that the food we buy in the supermarket has traveled 1,500 miles on average to get from where it is grown to our plate. That requires a large amount of energy used just to move your food from point A to your plate.
Stop the leaky faucet. Not only is it an irritating sound to hear, it is also costing you money. The EPA website has some information about how you can do-it-yourself.
Be mindful of your water usage. Do you ever notice the person in the public restroom who leaves the water running not only while they lather their hands, but also while they go for the paper towels to dry off? I sure do. There are many times you can conserve by not leaving the water running, like washing your hands, brushing your teeth, or hand washing dishes.

Reduce Toxic Exposures. The EPA has started a great program called “Design for the Environment.” Companies with the label have worked with the EPA to reformulate products with safer chemicals.
Recycle Your Electronic Waste. Seventy percent of the heavy metals that end up in our landfills come from our discarded electronics, even though they are only about 2% of our discarded waste. Recycling keeps these toxic chemicals out of our environment.
How will you celebrate?
I myself will be attending “The Climate Rally” Earth Day event which is taking place this Sunday on the National Mall in Washington, DC. Festivities start at 11am and go on until at least 7pm. So if you are in the DC area, stop on by!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
HIV/AIDS: From Death Sentence to Chronic Disease?

This is Part 4 of 5 in our Intersection of Medical Research and Public Health series.
Part 1 - The Intersection of Medical Research and Public Health
Part 2 - Research and Public Health Tackle the Flu Together
Part 3 - Today's Epidemic: Childhood Obesity
Part 4 - HIV/AIDS: From Death Sentence to Chronic Disease?
Part 5 - Advocating for the Intersection
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Today's Epidemic: Childhood Obesity

This is Part 3 of 5 in our Intersection of Medical Research and Public Health series.
Part 1 - The Intersection of Medical Research and Public Health
Part 2 - Research and Public Health Tackle the Flu Together
Part 3 - Today's Epidemic: Childhood Obesity
Part 4 - HIV/AIDS: From Death Sentence to Chronic Disease?
Part 5 - Advocating for the Intersection
Monday, April 19, 2010
Research and Public Health Tackle the Flu Together

This is Part 2 of 5 in our Intersection of Medical Research and Public Health series.
Part 1 - The Intersection of Medical Research and Public Health
Part 2 - Research and Public Health Tackle the Flu Together
Part 3 - Today's Epidemic: Childhood Obesity
Part 4 - HIV/AIDS: From Death Sentence to Chronic Disease?
Part 5 - Advocating for the Intersection
Friday, April 16, 2010
The Intersection of Medical Research and Public Health

This is Part 1 of 5 in our Intersection of Medical Research and Public Health series.
Part 1 - The Intersection of Medical Research and Public Health
Part 2 - Research and Public Health Tackle the Flu Together
Part 3 - Today's Epidemic: Childhood Obesity
Part 4 - HIV/AIDS: From Death Sentence to Chronic Disease?
Part 5 - Advocating for the Intersection
Thursday, April 15, 2010
You Have the Right to be Heard

Victims can face significant hurdles when seeking justice, especially victims of sexual assault and domestic violence. A story posted by Amanda Hess details one of the worst hurdles; the occasional police officer who prevents a victim from being able to file a report. The story Amanda told was about an officer who did not believe a girl was actually raped, and therefore, did not let her file a report. I find it sad to say, that I have heard similar stories from people I have actually met.
These hurdles are part of the reason only 6% of rapists ever see a day in jail. Having heard about such cases can also prevent women and men from wanting to even file a report which contributes to over 60% of all rapes never being reported.
In honor of National Crime Victim’s Week, which is coming up next week, I thought I’d review some important rights.
The Department of Justice has a list of victim’s rights on their website, including, your right to be reasonably protected from the accused.
However, one we may think of less frequently, but still very important to remember is:
The right to be treated with fairness and with respect for the victim's dignity and privacy.This means an official does not have the right to blame a victim of sexual assault for being raped. And if you are the victim of domestic violence, under no grounds can an officer of the law refuse to take your report of the incident.
For your protection, you have the option to have an advocate present for several parts of the process, such as filing a report with the police or any physical examination. Organizations, such as the National Center for Victims of Crime, are great places to get assistance finding these resources.
For more information about becoming an advocate for victims of crime, you can contact your local police department or the National Organization for Victim Assistance.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Advocate Profile: Keith Black, MD

• Your brain uses 20% of your body’s energy?
• Your brain feels like a ripe avocado and looks pink because of the blood running through it?
• Your brain generates 25 watts of power while you're awake (that’s enough to illuminate a light bulb)?
Researchers are still learning a lot about the brain functions and also how to solve problems in the brain when things go wrong. At the forefront of neuroscience and neurological research is Keith Black, MD. Black published his first scientific paper and earned a Westinghouse Science Award at the age of 17, well before he became a doctor. Ever since then, Dr. Black, has broken barriers in the field of neuroscience and neurosurgery, becoming a prominent neurosurgeon and researcher.
Today, Dr. Black is the head of neurosurgery at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, has five patents, hundreds of research publications and countless awards. He's also pioneered research on finding ways to surpass the blood-brain barrier, developing a vaccine to boost the body's immune response to brain tumors and the use of optical technology for brain mapping.
Click below to hear Dr. Black's inspirational advice upon receiving the BET Honors Public Service award. (Sorry about the intro commercials.)
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
"to improve the quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of health care for all Americans. Information from AHRQ's research helps people make more informed decisions and improve the quality of health care services."Sounds good to me; so why hadn't I heard of AHRQ until a few years ago? AHRQ was originally known as the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, but the purview has changed over time from policy to health services. The simplest definition of what AHRQ does is that the agency figures out what does and does not work in terms of health and health care and then translates that information into "everyday practice and policymaking."
As comparative effectiveness and personalized medicine become more prominent and health care reform begins to take effect, data collected by AHRQ helps improve efficiency and safety for everyone receiving any amount of health care in America.
“The essence of care delivery is in dramatic, urgent need of improvement. We know that the translation of science into practice takes far too long. We also know that we can improve that. We are working toward reliable and affordable quality care for all. Science is clearly going to be a key part of that.”
With less than 350 people on staff, AHRQ is relatively small in comparison to some other government health research agencies, but their work is just as important and is a perfect complement to translating the research and practices of its sister agencies like the National Institutes of Health (which we'll be covering later in this series).
This is Part 3 in the Introduction to Federal Agencies series.
Part 1 - Acronyms, Abbreviations and Agencies
Part 2 - A-B...C-D-C?
Monday, April 12, 2010
How To: Understand Survey Methodology

% error
The percent error or sampling error should be 3.5% or less. If a survey is done online, the percent error may be called a theoretical sampling error, but for the most part, percent error is about as theoretical as evolution.
Selection of participants
Whether the poll is done by phone, paper survey, or online, the participants should be randomly selected and demographically equivalent to the population of whatever group the survey is talking about. For national poll data, the U.S. Census provides a good guideline. Census data is also available for each state, which is important because age, race, and gender are not equally represented in every region.
How and when the poll is conducted
Not so long ago, credible public opinion polling was done almost exclusively by phone. Now, online polling can be as statistically significant if the participants are randomly selected. Both types of polling take about a week to reach the 800 to 1,000 respondents necessary for an acceptable percent error. When the poll is conducted can make a big difference in the results, so it is important to remember what major events were happening during the polling time. An election, a natural disaster, or a product recall can quickly change public opinion, and therefore the results of a survey.
Understanding the methodology of a poll can make a big difference in whether or not you trust the data. There are a number of other components to consider, but methodology is a quick and easy place to start. What do you look for when reviewing poll data?
Friday, April 9, 2010
What's Your Theme Song?

I spent a significant portion of my childhood in dugouts or on metal bleachers next to a softball field. I was the "bat girl" for my sister's travel softball team, and boy, were those good times.

My love of baseball, therefore, comes from my sister and those happy memories. Movies like a A League of Their Own or kids with their freshly-oiled gloves on the metro coming back from opening day always make me stop and remember; which is probably why I noticed this piece on NPR: What would be your at-bat theme song?
It got me thinking about what my theme song would be if I was headed up to the plate. Since I was never much of a softball player myself, I'd probably choose this classic (start at 3:10 for the clincher of a chorus).
In celebration of baseball (which we'll definitely be writing about this season) and as a way to learn about all of our fabulous readers, we want to know what your at-bat theme song would be (or is?). If you're not a baseball fan, what would your theme song be before a big presentation? Or, what's the song that you click to on your ipod for that last big uphill on a run?
When we have a full roster of theme songs, I'll put together a summer Play Ball! Playlist for New Voices, so make sure you get yours up in the comments!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Prevention: The Ultimate Anti-Drug
In 1998, I was a junior in high school and had never heard of heroin. However, heroin use was on the rise in the Philadelphia-Delaware area, even among high school students. Many tried heroin because they did not know about the drug or fell for common myths like smoking heroin would not lead to addiction. But the problem is that smoking heroin does cause addiction, and it is a difficult drug to make a full recovery from because the addiction alters brain chemistry and addicts are prone to chronic relapsing.
Misinformation put many in danger. The resurgence in the Philadephia-Delaware area prompted a Senate hearing to address the issue. Dr. Alan Leshner, who was at that time the Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, said, “The misperceptions about the addictive properties of heroin, may account for why in 1997, an estimated 81,000 persons used heroin for the first time” in the United States.

In Delaware, the number of hospital admissions for heroin-related treatments increased 67% from 1995 to 2000, with 70% of admissions in 1999 being ages 18 to 35. The high purity of heroin in the area added to the danger of the epidemic. The national average was 38.2%, but in New Castle County Delaware the drug was between 80 and 90% pure.
The police presented a drug awareness program at my high school in 1998 called the Heroin Alert Program. They played a slide show that flashed statistics and gruesome photos of the physical effects of heroin use. They even played a recorded 9-1-1 call a parent placed when her teenage son had overdosed. The graphic presentation portrayed the drug for what it really was… unglamorous and a destructive force in the life of the addict and their family and friends.
Methamphetamine (or meth) abuse, another severely addictive drug, has been rising and is seen as the top drug problem in America. Meth abuse started in Hawaii and western parts of the U.S., but is spreading eastward. Between 1992 and 2004, methamphetamine/amphetamine treatment admissions rose from more than 1% to 8% of all treatment admissions.
One state that is experiencing a heavy burden from Meth is Montana, which had a 108% increase in hospital admissions for methamphetamine/ amphetamine treatment between 1995 and 2005 . In response to Montana’s meth problem, Thomas M. Siebel founded the Montana Meth Project, which is a research-based messaging campaign to combat abuse through prevention. The project uses “research-validated, high-impact advertising that graphically communicates the risks of meth use.”
The project began a large-scale, statewide campaign in fall 2005 running ads on TV, in newspapers and on the internet. By 2007, there was a 44.6% decline in teen meth use, which was greater than any other 2 year period since 1999. The project's great success has led to expansion of the campaign to many other states, which will hopefully also see reductions meth abuse.
Prevention is the best way to fight drug abuse, and the Montana Meth Project demonstrates that an effective way to prevent first-time drug use is with a healthy, graphic dose of reality.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

This is Part 2 in the Introduction to Federal Agencies series.
Part 1 - Acronyms, Abbreviations and Agencies
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Acronyms, Abbreviations and Agencies

If you understood that, hooray for you! If not, you're not alone. Heck, I'm pretty sure the CBO doesn't even have numbers for LHHS. But the point is there are an awful lot of groups around here talking about an amazing number of things - many of which deserve our attention.
Here at New Voices, there are four federal agencies we talk about a lot:
- AHRQ - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
- CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- FDA - Food and Drug Administration
- NIH - National Institutes of Health
Monday, April 5, 2010
Spring Break Homework

Heather recently posted a list of town hall meetings. Members also hold and attend a variety of other types of events, so be on the lookout for those as well. Scheduling a meeting at a district or state office during a recess can also improve your odds of actually meeting with your representative and senators.
When Congress returns to DC, they will start the budget and appropriations process in earnest, making now an ideal time to speak out for research.
The funding levels necessary to sustain or grow research to improve health in FY 2011 are:
• National Institutes of Health - $35 billion
• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - $8.8 billion
• Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality - $611 million
• National Science Foundation - $7.4 billion
Contact your representative and senators to take action locally now or, at a minimum, send your members an e-mail.